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Author Archive: Nikki
Hi. My name is Nikki and I am an astrologer currently working in Melbourne, Australia. On my astrology blog I share what I know to bring you closer to understanding how astrology can be of help to you.
Mercury retrogrades in the fixed water sign Scorpio from 19° – 3°, 21st October – 11th November 2013 AEDT Mercury turns retrograde 3 or 4 times a year – it’s when the Earth is ahead of Mercury such that Mercury appears to be moving backwards – and this is the 3rd and final time Mercury […]
There is a Full Moon 19 October at 26° Aries and a penumbral or appulse lunar eclipse at 10:38am AEST (and therefore not visible on the east coast of Australia), where the Moon is partially obscured by the Earth’s shadow. Of course a lunar eclipse can only occur at the Full Moon, but not every […]
You may notice that today’s Google Doodle celebrates the birthday of Katherine Mansfield. Who? Well that’s what I asked myself, so I did a bit of digging… Katherine Mansfield Beauchamp Murry (14 Oct 1888 – 9 Jan 1923) was a writer of short fiction who was born in Wellington, New Zealand, and wrote under the […]
Artificially carbonated water was invented by chemist Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), who published his findings in a 1772 paper titled “Directions for Impregnating Water with Fixed Air”. He did not exploit the commercial potential of soda water, but others such as J. J. Schweppe, who developed the process to manufacture carbonated mineral water, made fortunes from […]
New Moon in Libra 0:34 UT/10:34 AEST 5th October 2013 The New Moon is the beginning of the 8 phase cycle. It’s at this time that the Moon and Sun are conjunct ie. joined together in the same sign, and the Sun impregnates the Moon with new seed. The Moon is not visible and the […]
Mercury has just moved from Gemini to Cancer. Conversation slows down and focuses more on perception than thinking. Memory sharpens, tact increases, and interest in artistic pursuits is piqued.
We are at the beginning of a series of 3 eclipses, the first occurs this Friday 26th April at 5:57:06 am AEST. This is a partial lunar eclipse at 5°45′ Scorpio from the 112 Saros series. The sabian symbol is A “GOLD RUSH TEARS MEN AWAY FROM THEIR NATIVE SOIL.” This symbol shows the desire […]
Tension is rising as North Korea makes threats to South Korea and the US. Those in the immediate vicinity must be very concerned, and rightly so. If we look at NK’s chart we see that transiting Pluto is squaring their tight Mercury-Neptune conjunction, and transiting Uranus opposes Mercury-Neptune creating a t-square. Very simply, t-square = […]
You’ve heard of the word “horoscope” . . . but what does it mean ? The word horoscope comes from Greek horoskopos: hora, hour, season + skopos, observe, to look at — horoscope = to observe the hour. So a horoscope captures a moment in time, like the birth of a person or a special […]
Astrology Fonts including signs of the zodiac fonts and astrological symbols fonts. They’re all free to download. There are more wonderful astrology fonts out there … let me know which is your favourite, or if you have a font to add here. ASTROGADGET is a True Type font which contains all the star sign symbols […]
When the Moon is in the seventh house . . . . . . it’s a good time to be with loved ones, to show you care, and to feel their support. The position of the Moon at our birth is a very important point in our natal chart but the transiting Moon’s effects are […]
The Chinese Zodiac dates back more than 2000 years, and plays a big role in chinese culture. The Chinese Zodiac consists of a 12 year cycle; each year of the 12 year cycle is named after an animal, and each animal has different personality characteristics. The animals in Chinese Astrology are believed to be the […]
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